Sunday, March 11, 2007

Born of a blood and misery, Born of broken men

The horror of WW2 is undeniable. But the paradox is that, ironically, something as wasteful and tragic as WW2 inspired necessary changes that have enriched mankind ahead of time. Mankind evaluated its disastrous state after WW2, and this uncommon process of reflection bore many rewards, as did many aspects of the actual war process. Just as competitive evolutionary struggles for life and death increased homo sapien's intelligence and strength, worldwide warfare delivered some improvements to man along with all the pain
-- The birth of the U.N, the creation of the World Bank and the IMF which gives aid and tries to develop countries.
-- The increasing convergence of worldwide law and the creation of the International Criminal Court to try war criminals, dictators and other undesirable humans. The push to create the E.U.
-- A whole bunch of scientific inventions, whose creation was motivated by the desire to kill more efficiently, ended up being used for peaceful purposes; the rockets that would take man to the moon and the engines that would later provide cheap worldwide travel. The advances in physics, chemistry, engineering, medicine, the psychological and social sciences such as Economics. All the art, the music, the drama.
-- Increased interest in cultural diversity and a desire to understand people from other backgrounds

There is the risk this post will be misinterpreted. Read carefully, this is NOT a pro-war message, most of the things that humans do to improve their lot do not involve a struggle to the death. But I do like "1812" {See first post!}

Remember, foreplay for an evening's sex session begins at breakfast.

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