Sunday, March 11, 2007

Superior Nerds

As we age, it starts making less sense to call people nerds. Though we know they once were. Their lack of social skills eventually becomes obvious to a nerd, which gives him/her a million insecurities and fears. The feeling of being marginalised, misunderstood, and incapable of deep personal relations eventually fades, however, as and because the nerd eventually finds his voice and confidence.
The elitism and the superior aspect however is that, for his ego to survive, the nerd must hypothesise, perhaps soemwhat truthfully, that he is underappreciated because others are inferior in other ways and don't understand him. He must suppose that others don’t relate to him or desire his company simply because they cannot fathom what he is thinking about. That they marginalise him, he feels, is because their culture is inferior, their sense of humour stupid, their enthusiasms misplaced. Is this just a way of coping or is it really true? Is the nerd’s inferiority in certain domains illusory and in fact a construction of those who are successful socially? What exactly are "social skills", do you think?

To ‘sin’ actually once meant to "miss the point", to not understand. I quite like this idea of sin

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