Sunday, September 16, 2007

But Life

Often we think "Hey, I'd like to do this now, BUT..." or "I'd like to see you now, BUT..."

Obviously, we're not entirely free to do what we want to do when we want to do it...we can allow some spontaneity in to our lives, but many things require a great degree of planning, and this has various, often unanticipated consequences for one's own happiness.

Life and other mundane things are the "but"

I often think when people talk about their "soul"and things like that (or spiritual needs), they're talking about those high-order needs like self-actualisation - reading, the development of a distinct and strong personality, the achievement of one's potential.
Eating and drinking and sleeping and shitting are usually thought of as not connected to the "soul" or "spirit", because the soul or spirit (for me, the brain that wants to think when it wants to think) longs to not be dependent on anything, not to be living bound up in flesh, to be waiting for a paycheck to clear or to work just to allow one to work more rather than to live.

This is also why when people are too busy with life that they tend to complain that there is a spiritual void in their lives. It is just not being able to focus on things that one WANTS to focus on, and when they want to. Those on a spiritual quest might find that void filled with a little more more free time in which to think. To use their brains. If they haven't forgotten how.


Capitalismis a good slave and a bad master


Mermaid Melanie said...

I have to think for two now. My son, he can think for himself, but in order for us to have ORDER, there must be rituals. dangit. Which means I have further constraints than just the mundane ones. Mundane to the second power.


Lance Abel said...

Hadn't really thought of that aspect of motherhood. Lol that sucks.